The field of architecture is not limited to buildings and plans, it is about creating an environment for people. It's easier to convey an idea by using a story about architecture to create an emotional connection with the client.
Storytelling uses the imagination of people and is able to put the reader or listener inside the story. The main reasons for storytelling in marketing visualizations include:

First, stories help companies capture the attention of consumers. Stories engage people, increase brand interest, and improve brand recognition.

Secondly, creating a connection with the audience. Stories attract attention and create a connection between the brand and the consumer, and stories promote understanding.

Thirdly, differentiation from competitors. Stories can make a brand more memorable and distinguish it from competitors offering a similar product.

And lastly. Stories help create a unique brand image, demonstrate brand values and mission.

I'd like to show you how our agency fills an image with a story.
Warm-cold contrast
In art, color and hue play an important role in creating an impression and perception of an idea or work. However, when it comes to 3D visualization, contrast becomes a key tool that grabs the viewer's attention and makes the visualization effective. At first glance, it may seem like a play of colors, but when you dig deeper, you'll see how contrast becomes a storyteller.

The contrast between different elements of the scene immediately attracts the viewer's attention. One of the main techniques used by 3D artists is the combination of warm and cold colors. For example, part of the image looks like a nighttime scene, except for the interior, where warm lights are on.
Contextual Elements
Looking at the visualization below, you can see toys scattered in the backyard or slippers left in the bathroom. These small details allow us to understand the owner's lifestyle, making the image more realistic. They tell a story about a person or family who has children who like to play on the green grass. This is much more appealing to the viewer than a simple image of the exterior or interior.
Human Focus
The presence of people in 3D visualizations can add context to a story and scene. Also, a person can help determine the scale and proportions of an object. For example, if we show some furniture in a room, it can help to understand how this object would look in real size with a person
All these factors make storytelling an important tool in marketing visualizations. Therefore, incorporating effective stories into your marketing campaigns can significantly improve their effectiveness and ensure that you engage with your audience on a deeper level.
Anastasiia Posukhova
Project & SMM Manager